As I have watched the media storm surrounding the allegations against Bishop Eddie Long I have learned much more about the media and human nature than I have about his innocence or guilt in the situation. I have seen a man who poured his life into others being ripped to pieces by people that he has undoubtedly prayed for in his years of service to humanity. After giving away cars to those in need and working to feed the hungry Bishop Eddie Long has found himself in the middle of a heated debate concerning his integrity as a result of the unconfirmed accusation of others. So what can one learn from this as we endeavor to live out our "New Life Now"? Personally I have learned to not to be decieved by the applause of the crowd. We have recently seen how quickly the cheers of the crowd can turn into a cry for a cricifixion. People are fickle so we would be foolish to build our goals and ministry efforts on such an unstable foundation. Our efforts must be centered on the foundation of Jesus Christ and our love for Him because "all other ground is sinking sand." People can easily disappoint, discourage, and distract us so we would benefit from keeping them in the proper perspective. Keep your eyes on Christ and you'll be able to rise above the taunts of the crowd and trust me when I tell you that if you desire to do anything great for God you better look good on wood because the same crowd that lifts you up one moment will have the capacity to try to tear you down the next.