
Sandwiches & Scriptures

The Sandwich

This weekend has been amazing! I have had a chance to workout, go to church, do some spring cleaning and get some extra writing completed (not in order of importance). Not only have I gotten several things accomplished that I had planned but I have also had a chance to try some things that I hadn't. For example, I didn't plan to go to the mall with a friend on Friday and try one of the best sandwiches in the WORLD. It's called a "Reuben" and it is all kinds of amazing. It is a tasty stack of cold cuts, cheese, italian dressing and sauerkraut on rye bread. Don't think it sounds good? That's alright, I didn't think so either. At first glance it didn't sound tempting but since I try to stay open to new experiences I decided to take a leap of faith and try it anyway. I'm glad I did!

The Point

What brought this sandwich to mind at the moment was a combination of factors.

1.) I'm hungry

2.) I was reading a book with some thoughts of John Wesley.

Wesley had quite a bit to say about the importance of studying the Bible and that was interesting enough, but the thing that stuck with me the most was the significance of starting and ending (or "sandwiching") our days with the scriptures. Wesley believed that when we start the day with the a study of God's Word we shape our thinking for the remainder of the day. We become more God conscious as we go throughout our daily routines because we have spent some time talking to God before our day begins.

Not only is it important to start the day with the Bible but it is just as important to end the day with the Bible because at the end of the day we are able to pause to reflect on how we handled things and how we could have been a better reflection of the image of God. When we are able to do this we can pray for forgiveness of our shortcomings and ask for strength not to make the same mistakes next time. Studying at the end of the day is like the top piece of bread that holds the sandwich together; sure one piece of bread would do but it's just better to have two isn't it?

What Now?

Now lets go make some sandwiches! I dare you to begin to start & end your day by reading the Bible and watch how God begins to change what takes place in between.

**How has quiet time with the Bible changed your day?