Today I had the experience of achieving a goal that I began working toward nearly 10 years ago. This weekend as I was inducted in to my Fraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated, I saw the accomplishment of a dream that has had it's ups and downs but has remained fixed on my mind and in my heart. The journey to this point has been filled with multitasking and productivity but now I sit and peck away at this computer with the opportunity to pause and reflect on all that has transpired along the way. In the stillness of the night I am faced with an interesting question that I believe may be from God..."Who do you love most?" I can say without question that I love Kappa Alpha Psi, I can say that I have love for those whom I have bonded with and developed strong brotherly connections that will (Lord willing) last a lifetime; however, I would not be so foolish to say that I love these things the most. While I love Kappa Alpha Psi, I must admit that I love Jesus Christ the MOST. I pray that all of those who have crossed over this semester with me feel the same. Tomorrow morning we will go to our respective churches and many will see palm leaves scattered about the worship centers...while these hold no meaning for the fraternity they hold a tremendous meaning for eternity for they represent the beginning of the week 2000 years ago when Christ decided to "cross"-over on our behalf so that we may enjoy the newness of life. As my brothers and I enjoy all that this fraternity life has to offer I pray that each of us would have the spiritual fortitude to give the same answer when asked, "Who do you love most?". Let our answer be JESUS! He is the person that makes Phi Nu Pi possible...let us never forget.
-Jessie J. Jennings III, The Memphis (TN) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi
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