You walk up to the counter, pay $10 and make your way to your seat. You stop to get a few snacks at the vendor before settling in for the moment that you've been waiting for. You can't believe that you're finally about to see it...you heard it would be awesome and here you are. All of a sudden the lights are dim and your excitement has increased but you quickly realize that what you're seeing is not what you expected. You're forced to sit through several previews before you can enjoy what you've paid to see so you sit and wait patiently for the feature presentation. Life can be like that sometimes as well. You graduated from college sure that you would walk right into the career of your dreams but now that's not what you see. You walked down that aisle believing that you had found the love of your life but now that's not what you see. You thought that you could just pay your dues and have that child, get that car, buy that house, get down to that size or achieve that goal but as you take a look at your life you're forced to see experiences that you didn't want or expect. What do you do when life is showing you scenes that aren't apart of the image God showed you (in the Bible)? I would suggest that you do the same thing that you would do in the movie theater. Do you get impatient? Maybe. Do you get up and leave? I hope not. You probably grin and bear it knowing that after a while the previews will subside and you'll hear "We now present to you the feature presentation." In life it would benefit us to do the same. Don't let a bad preview cause you to bail on the feature presentation. Stick it out and you just might see that it was well worth the wait.
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