Have you ever seen "that guy"? You know that guy who walks into the bathroom and forgets to wash his hands. I saw "that guy" today when I was out finishing up my Christmas shopping. I was standing at the sink and here he goes walking right out the door. As I walked to my car I began to wonder why he wouldn't take a moment to stop to wash his hands when the water, soap, and sink were already paid for. Here are my theories...
1.) Maybe he wasn't taught that it was important.
2.) Maybe he didn't think anyone saw so it didn't matter.
3.) Maybe he thought that this was only a vital principle for children and he had out grown the practice.
One of these may have been the reason or maybe in the holiday hustle and bustle he just forgot. Either way, I believe that it bears a strong resemblance to how some people will walk through another Christmas season and not even consider how they may need to be cleansed. Cleansed of what, you ask? Cleansed of past sins, disappointments, discouragements, mistakes, missed marks, missed opportunities. Many are in need of an internal, emotional & spiritual cleanse and there is one who is able to provide the cleansing we so desperately need (Jesus) yet how many times have you seen people walk right past Him just like "that guy" does the sink? I pray that this Christmas would be a time where we make the most of the opportunity to be cleansed of our past so that we may clearly see our way into our divinely appointed future. It's about to be the beginning of a brand new year, will you allow Jesus to wash you clean so that you can live a new life now or will you walk right past Him acting as if He's not there or you just don't need Him? The choice is yours but please, PLEASE don't be "that guy". Accept Jesus today :)
For more information about accepting Jesus go to: www.cbn.com/stepstopeace/
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