Have you ever had the thought that if you just had a little bit more, that things would be better for you? Have you ever thought that if you could ever just get one step ahead, that would give you the momentum that you need to sustain your success? Have you ever thought that what you have to work with is not capable of accomplishing your dreams? I have. For me, this has prompted an endless pursuit of the newest hardware or the most cutting edge software to spread the good news about Jesus Christ but there's always a nagging feeling that what I have to work with is not enough to get it done. Maybe this hasn't been your experience but maybe you have been searching for a better job, better church, better position, or better network thinking that if you could just get there you'd have all that you need. It reminds me of the widow mentioned in the Bible in 2 Kings chapter 4. She had lost her husband and was facing debts that she could not meet. When she brought the issue to the Prophet Elisha he asked her an interesting question..."What do you have in your house?" When she said that she had some oil he told her to go borrow pots from those around her because God was going to multiply what she had. Perhaps this is how the LORD plans to meet your needs and fulfil the dreams He has placed in your heart. Maybe He wants to multiply what you have. Maybe we should stop looking at what we think we need and start to look at what we already have through the eyes of faith with the understanding that no matter how meager our present may look, God can use His power to transform it into a masterpiece. If you are anything like me, even after reading this article, part of you will still think that you need more to make your goal come to pass but I would encourage you to join me in believing that what God has placed in our hands is more than enough to bring His plans to pass when they are coupled with His supernatural power and our works of faith.
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