
Hope, Healing, & The Hunger Games

A week ago a friend and I decided to check out the new movie The Hunger Games. I enjoyed the movie but walked out of the theater thinking that I was glad that this was only a fiction. I couldn't imagine living in a world that revolved around a brutal competition where there could only be one winner and everyone else loses. It would be crazy to have to always look over your shoulder not knowing who would try to take you out...come to think of it, this isn't that hard to image after all.

Hunger Games?

A few days after watching the movie I noticed an interesting article on Facebook that expressed how many of the fans of the books were upset because of the members of the cast in the movie that were black. I was blown away by the racism that dripped from their statements. You would have thought that we had been teleported back to 1965 and as I read I realized that there are real life "hunger games" taking place every day. There are people who believe that there can only be one winner and their race, group, church, or organization has to be it and they will fight to the death to gain the upper hand at any cost.

Hungry Indeed

I believe that this "dog eat dog" mentality is a symptom of a deeper problem, a hunger in our hearts for the Word of God. The Bible says that a person can keep their way pure by living according to God's Word (Psalm 119:9). Therefore, we desperately need God's Word to clear out the racisms, favoritism and selfishness in our lives. Every time these things raise their head in our hearts it's like a spiritual hunger pain telling us that we're hungry for a Word from God that can only be found in the pages of the Bible. I dare you to fill your face with God's Word as much as you do with your favorite meal and see how your heart begins to change. God's Word can provide healing to the hurtful areas in your heart unlike anything else this world can provide. The Hunger games has sold over 3 million copies in America alone. I wonder what would happen if 3 million young people began to feast on God's Word. The World would never be the same! I believe it's possible and it starts with you today.

Have Something To Eat

If you have never tried to read the Bible for yourself, I dare you to begin to make it a part of your every day routine. You don't have to start by reading entire books at a time but I dare you to begin to "snack" on the Bible each day by reading a few chapters at a time and watch your hope for the future begin to rise. I've recently started a great program called Eat This Book: One Year Bible with Daily Psalm, you can check it out by clicking here . This will help you begin to "Eat God's Word" (figuratively speaking), apply it to your life, and handle the hunger that you may not even have noticed was there. The great thing about it is that, unlike the movie, there can be a lot more than one winner. Odds are, most people don't read the Bible as much as I'm challenging you to but, "May the odds ever be in your favor!"

Happy Hunger Games!