I have been sitting at this computer for the past 5 hours and I don't have any intentions of stopping. Before you judge me please understand that I'm not talking about being irresponsible; these are what you call "good times" and I'm loving it! The weeks are usually spent going and doing but all of us need moments where we sit and just enjoy being alive. Since it's currently 16 degrees outside the decision to do so has some-what been made for me but I'm all for the relaxation. I'm reminded of when the gospel writers speak of how Jesus would often break away from the crowds to spend some time alone and pray or would be in the stern of the boat alone sleeping. How often do you do the same? How often do you allow yourself to just enjoy some time away for yourself? If all you do is give, give, give you will eventually reach a point where you have nothing left to share. Make sometime to relax and enjoy life today because what is the point of having a "new life" if you're not going to enjoy it?
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