In the past week I have seen so many people reaching out to help others. This desire is a fantastic display of the love of Christ that the world desperately needs to see. Helping others can be the turning point by which a person accepts Christianity for all that it is due to the genuine love that has been shown through those who carry that name. Although, in my recent efforts to help others and develop large scale projects that will greatly impact the lives of the less fortunate I was faced with a sobering question one afternoon. "Who are you really helping?" In other words, what is your motive behind offering your assistance? Is it so that you can get name recognition as the one who did it? Is it so that you can get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside? Is it so that you can network with other organizations? What is your motive? If your motive is truly to offer assistance to those in need you will not be concerned if people give primarily to your cause as long as they are inspired to give to the cause at large. Recognize that there are probably many other organizations out there that are doing great things and the ultimate objective will sooner come through the collective effort of all of than from the solo efforts of one.
"Give and it will be given back to you" but if you give with a watchful eye on the clock or a publicist ensuring that it will be widely known than you may want to examine your motives. Give in such a way that you are thankful to be a part of a process that is bigger than yourself recognizing that helping others should never be about helping you.
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