This morning I encountered a moment of discouragement. I wasn't quite sure why because I keep hearing how the on-line ministry has been reaching people for the Lord, opportunities to preach the gospel appear to be opening up each week and my marriage is going great so I was compelled to ask myself the same thing that David asked himself in Psalms 44:11 when he said, "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me?" After careful consideration I realized that I was experiencing a bout of insecurity caused by impatience which was trying to usher in discouragement and disappointment by making me forget that there is a difference between wasting time and waiting.
I'm sure that you have goals, dreams, and ambitions as well because most successful people do and there are times when you wonder if your efforts are really making a difference in your pursuit of those dreams but let me encourage you with the fact that as long as you are consistently making steps in the right direction it is only a matter of time before you reach your destination. Yesterday I had the opportunity to travel to Kentucky which required several hours of travel on our part but there was never a moment when I questioned whether we would make it there or not because we had the right driver behind the wheel. This was what he did for a living and I'm sure that he had traveled that route before so there was no need to worry if he could get us to our destination safely and on time even though we didn't know exactly how we were going to get there. Much in the same way, God is able to get you to the place, position and prominence that you are destined to reach during your lifetime if you will simply trust Him as you travel the journey and continue to make forward steps of faith. Being God and knowing everything is what He does and He has probably been where you're heading a thousand times before so you might as well trust Him along the way even when the journey requires some waiting. As long as you are following God's plans for your life you aren't wasting time with your efforts, you're simply waiting to see how they will "work together for your good." (Rom. 8:28) So let me take a moment to tell you the same thing that I had to tell myself this morning, don't get discouraged because you are still waiting on some of the things that you desire to see in your life. Keep walking forward, keep working in faith, and keep waiting on the Father to move on your behalf because there is a BIG difference between wasting time & waiting and believe it or not, sooner or later you're going to wake up and see that your destination is only a few minutes away.
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