I recently purchased a Mac laptop and immediately began to see differences between my new toy and the system that I was used to working with. For example, when I downloaded a few programs that weren't what I thought that they would be I didn't have to go through a difficult process of uninstalling them, I could just use my app-zapper and ZAP!-they're gone. I could close the screen and when I opened it back up BOOM!-it was wide awake and ready for service. I'm sure there are a ton of other features that are different about it but as I reflect on the differences that I have mentioned I am encouraged that the "upgrade" that I just experienced is similar to (but not nearly as significant as) the upgrade that we should experience when we receive a new life in Christ. All of us have gone down roads, made decisions and even dealt with people who were not what they seemed. We thought that the person completed us until the relationship left us broken in the end. We thought that doing our own thing was great until it turned out to be the wrong thing to do. We hurt ourselves or others time and time again which loaded us down with pains that we didn't expect to receive. That's where Jesus comes in...When we have "downloaded" things into our lives that left us stained and broken, Jesus hung on a cross and rose from the dead as the ultimate "app-zapper" to clean us up and give us a new life in Him. Are you dealing with depression? ZAP! Are you dealing with lust? ZAP! Are you struggling with sin in your life or from your past? ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! Jesus is willing and able to zap ANYTHING that has separated you from God and my Mac would tell you that all you have to do is drag them and drop them on the App Zapper (That means letting them go because you can't still operate in an app that has been zapped).
As interesting as the App-Zapper is, the promptness that is demonstrated by my Mac as it wakes is convicting as I try to live out the life of a Christian on a daily basis. What I mean is that as soon as I open the lid my Mac is ready to go. Did you catch that??? AS SOON AS I OPEN THE LID...better yet, as soon as I lift it's head it is ready to be used. I wish that we would be so forgiving and focused on moving forward. How many times have you had something make you bow your head in disappointment, sorrow and brokenness and when God sends a Word to lift you up you allow your feelings to stop you from "waking up" and being used to be a blessing? My Mac would tell you that your head doesn't get lifted for no reason. When the God of heaven lifts your head out of despair & brokenness to follow Christ or lifts your head out of depression & self pity to embrace the newness of life and to be all that He designed you to be don't wait in a posture that says "I can't be used to do great things for God." because if God didn't want to use your life to be a blessing He never would have lifted your head.
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