What we do is not nearly as important as why we do it. We can do all of the right things for all of the wrong reasons and all the while send those in our sphere of influence down a different path than we are following ourselves. As we endeavor to live our new life in Christ we must always focus our efforts on how we may serve others rather than how we may put a spin on our actions to get recognition from others. When we serve our community, serve our church family and serve those whom we interact with on a daily basis we will be able to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and lovingly lead others to Him as well; however, when we focus more on spinning our deeds into a pat on the back by the public we will one day realize that we have been looking at the crowd more intently than Christ. We have to decide on a daily basis who our God is and who is worthy of our focus. Is it Christ or the crowd? If it is Christ then look for ways that you may serve others. If it is the crowd than look for ways to exaggerate and exploit ("spin") the services that you provide. I know you do great works for others but lets be honest...is it for the sake of service or just another spin?
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