I must admit that I do not like waiting. When it can be avoided I will usually do whatever I can to expedite a process. I don't like waiting for my food. I don't like waiting in line at the grocery store. I don't waiting on my dreams to come to pass. I just don't like waiting...but like everyone else in life, I have to endure moments of waiting and I am forced to remind myself that there is a difference between waisting time and waiting. When you're wasting time there is no potential for anything to change (baring a miraculous move of God of course) but when we are waiting on something (and the steps have been taken necessary to receive it) many times it's only a matter of time before it comes to pass. So we find ourselves waiting on the seeds that we have sown in faith to bring forth a harvest in our lives. It's only a matter of time but the temptation arises telling us that we're wasting our time as we wait on the blessing that we're expecting from God. The temptation comes to try to get us out of position...to get us out of "line" so that when what we've been waiting on comes up we won't be there to claim it. Don't be so foolish. Don't allow impatience to cause you to get out of line. When the Hebrews were traveling in the desert they would move when the cloud provided by God moved. If it moved after a day they would move. If it moved after a month they would move. If it moved after a year they would move BUT if the cloud didn't move, they didn't move. Let's do the same...keep your eyes on what God has provided for our direction (They had a cloud but we have His Words...the Bible) and move when AND ONLY WHEN God says so. So relax; you'll get there soon enough. What's the rush?
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