Today was another casual Friday in many work places. With such being the case I wonder how many other people had to face the same challenge that I did this morning as I prepared for my day. Let me first say that I love casual Fridays. Not only because they happen to occur on Fridays (which is amazing by itself) but because I have an opportunity to dress casually in the work place. All of a sudden I have a chance to wear jeans when I otherwise may have worn a suit and pair of converse when I would have worn loafers. T.G.I.F. indeed! Today, however, was a different story.
As I began to prepare my clothes this morning I recognized an alarming fact...all of a sudden only one pair of my jeans fit; and the one pair that fit wasn't an option because they were dirty from a trip last week(a man has to have standards). So I had run into a common dilemma...what do you do with the things that no longer fit you? Sure I could try to force it and tear something up in the process. I could act like they fit and look foolish while limiting my mobility. I could lie down, roll on the floor and hold my breath in hopes that somehow the fact that I have out grown them would change but the truth of the matter was that what once was a perfect fit for me just doesn't fit anymore.
I believe that this is similar to what we all experience as we continue to press in our new life in Christ. As we mature and develop in the faith there will be habits, relationships and perhaps even careers and social circles that no longer fit what God is doing in our lives. When we begin to have this awareness many times we'll try to force ourselves to act like the old friendship fits us like it did when we were in school. We'll try to act like the old habits fit us and look foolish while limiting our mobility in the process. Or maybe we'll try to passively lie down and hold our breath as though this will change the fact that those friends, habits, etc. just don't fit who we have become. If we are truly walking with Christ than change will become a normal part of our lives because each day God is helping us to reflect Him more and more. Don't despise the changes because they're simply an indication that you are truly embracing the new life you have received in Christ. So the next time you feel pressured to try to fit into something God has allowed you to grow out of remember my pants! Instead of forcing it or looking foolish today I decided to wear a pair of pants that actually fit who I am now and I believe that those who I encounter today will be a lot better off as a result. This was the case with my clothes and I bet this is also the case in your circumstance. Who, what and where have you out grown???? Face the fact that it no longer fits!
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