I love my car. It runs great, looks great, and feels great while I'm driving it but I must admit that I occasionally get so busy that I forget to wash it. Better yet, I don't necessarily forget to wash it, I simply relegate it to the bottom of my to-do list. Never mind the fact that I enjoy how it feels to have it clean. Never mind the fact that I can't reasonably expect to be blessed with a better vehicle if I can't demonstrate that I am grateful and responsible with this one. I lose sight of the benefit of having my car clean because I refuse to take a moment to make a minor adjustment to correct it.
You may be wondering what in the world me getting my car washed has to do with new life in Christ...wait for it...(here goes) How often have you forgotten how important it is to wash your thoughts with the water of the Word (i.e. read the Bible)? Better yet, how often have you gotten so busy that you relegate reading the Bible to the bottom of your to-do list? (Even below washing your hair, doing your laundry, and bleaching your toilet which have no eternal value but are a blessing nonetheless) I encourage you to take some time today to jump into the written Word of God and allow it to wash the doubt, fear, depression and anxiety from your mind. I'm looking forward to enjoying my weekend riding in my freshly washed car but that is nothing compared to the joy that you and I can experience with a freshly washed mind. Not only can I notice a difference in my car but others can easily notice a difference as well. Much in the same way, the more you and I allow the Word of God to wash our minds we'll notice a difference in our outlook that will be clearly seen by those we encounter on a daily basis. This weekend take a moment to wash your mind with the Word and see if you don't enjoy the ride of your life a little more as a result.
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