As I think about serving in ministry and trying to reflect Christ I'm often forced to consider the question, "Who do you want to be seen?" Do you want people to see you or do you want people to see Christ? Do you want people to see how "great" you are or how great God is? I wonder who and what you want people to see as you pursue your goals? I believe that as Christians living the new life that God has given us we could all benefit from living as though we're something similar to crossing guards pointing people toward God. Now, I realize that this is not always a celebrated role but it is extremely significant. I don't know about you but I can't easily remember many of the faces of the crossing guards that I have seen through out the course of my life but that's alright because their faces were not nearly as important as their function. They were not there to become celebrities, they were there to keep me safe. They were not there to get personal glory, they were there to provide guidance and they were willing to stand through the snow & rain so that those who were in route toward their destiny could be protected from danger. Such should be the case with us as well. Let us not forget that God's ultimate purpose for our lives in not that people see us as a larger than life figure but rather that we function as an effective tool in leading others to faith in Him.
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