I'm truly enjoying learning the in's and out's of using my Mac to update the blog and study for sermons. The transition has been quite a bit smoother than I thought it would be and this process has prompted me to share a second part to "The Gospel According to My Mac". If I may be completely honest, I must say that I had been thinking about buying a Mac for at least a year or so before I actually made the step in that direction. I had heard that they were great and that they're the industry standard for video editing & graphic design so I was more than curious about how it could be a blessing for me as well. While considered the benefits of moving toward a Mac I would consistently run into the same question rolling through my mind, "What if I can't work it as well as I can use the PC I've been used to all my life." This is probably the same question that has crossed the minds of many people who have not yet turned their lives over to Christ as God has been prompting them to make the change. You may wonder..."What if I accept Christ and mess up? What if I accept Christ and don't really understand the Bible? What if I accept Christ and don't know about all of the traditions & cultural elements of Church?" What if? What if? What if? My Mac would tell you that you're over thinking the transition. The designer has already thought about you and the challenges you would face as you make the switch so there are elements in place to guide you as you make the change. Much in the same way, when you give your life over to Christ you're not in it by yourself, God has already designed a system in which you receive the Holy Spirit to help you as you learn how to live your "new life". When you look back you'll wish that you had made the change as soon as you had been prompted to do so because the joy of what you have received will far outweigh the changes that you'll experience through the transition process.
While there were several thoughts and questions that were encouraging me to postpone my decision to make the change, there was one major factor that made me want to try and see if Mac was what I had been looking for. ALL of the Mac users consistently and convincingly shared that they were so glad that they had switched that they would never go back. This understanding has been so prevalent that even my Dad (who is not a Mac user) told me "Once you go Mac you never go back." Once you make the change, once you endure the transition, once you rise above the challenges that stand in your way you will never go back to what you were used to before. This mimics the way in which Christ transforms our lives. Once we receive Christ, once we receive the grace of God and move on toward our destiny we will never be the same. While many of the Christians you've seen may not as zealous as the Mac users you've seen, let me tell you that as great as Macs are, Christ is greater and if you have not accepted Him as the Lord of your life because you're afraid of the changes you'll see let me tell you that it would be the best decision you could ever make and once you experience new life through Him you won't look back.
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