The screen goes blank. The program won't start. The video won't upload. What in the world is going on? You, my friend, are experiencing technical difficulties which is always a possibility when working with technology. You may avoid some issues. You may enjoy times where things run smoothly but there will be times where things just don't work. I experienced this over the course of this past weekend. I intended to spend an evening productively editing videos and BANG!!! I ran right into a ditch full of technical difficulties. First, my computer wouldn't read the disc. Second, an "update" took 8 hours only to freeze my computer until I allowed it to revert back to how is was before.Third, I ran into some challenges while attempting to upload this week's motivation at www.youtube.com/jessjenn3 (PLUG! PLUG!). As I reflected on the recent happenings I realized that this is always a possibility when walking through life. Not just my life...life in general because all of us will encounter moments where things just don't seem to be working the way we would like. Seemingly out of nowhere we all can run into a series of technical difficulties and these experiences, while inconvenient and often frustrating, are all a part of this journey called life.
Sure, your difficulties may be different than mine but I'm sure you've encountered some through out your life. Perhaps a relationship ended. That's difficult. Maybe a employer let you go or refused to let you on. That's difficult. Maybe a goal fell through, a loved one passed away, or your car is falling apart. These situations can be difficult to face because many times they happen when you don't expect them to and you're faced with a decision to either get angry and bitter because of the difficulty, or to allow the difficult circumstance to make you better. I have chosen to step back and develop a strategy of how I can overcome the recent difficulties that I have come across and I challenge you to do the same. Whether it is grief, loss, discouragement, disappointment, worry, fear, anger, or doubt that's trying to take root in your heart as a result of your "technical difficulties", develop a biblical plan to address the situation. I say biblical because I want to be sure that it will work for you. Then begin to confess that your present difficulty is not your final destination...as the television stations used to say, "Please stand by, we are experiencing technical difficulties." The reason they say to stand by is because they expect the situation to change so you don't need to change the station, you just need to patiently stand by to see a change in the situation.
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